About Me

Hello! I am Heather Ramshaw. I am 22 years old, but I rarely feel my age. Sometimes I feel like a 5 year old, and other times I feel 60. I recently graduated from my undergraduate degree in International Development at the University of Waterloo. I am outgoing, love adventures (see my travel blog for more!), and have a really hard time sitting still for more than 2 minutes. I pull all my energy from the people around me, which is one reason why I appreciate my partner Nicholas so much. He is great- he even tucks in my teddy bears.
I am extremely passionate about food. Everything to do with it from growing it (which is why I am currently working as the Assistant Farm Manager of Nith Valley Organics), to encouraging healthy local food systems, to improving global food security. I am also the co-founder of an organization looking to encourage healthy food systems and sustainable farming practices called Growing Alternatives. These projects have been keeping me pretty busy, but recently I have found great comfort, and great challenge, in attempting to be self-sufficient. I am extremely far from it BUT considering my current situation (recently graduated and broke) I like to do anything I can to push me in that direction.

This transitional point in my life-moving from the life of a university student to a full-time worker-has been excruciatingly difficult for me. Of course it doesn't help that my last 8 months of my degree were spent out of country (in Botswana), leaving me culture shocked on top of it all. Despite all of this- I am still a very high energy, and extremely motivated individual-sometimes to a fault. Often my motivation gets stuck somewhere in between the formation of the idea, and the implementation. That is the main reason for this blog. I have a lot of projects and ideas floating around in my head but no channels for releasing all that creative energy. Finally, the situation that I find myself in has left me with a lot of room for self-improvement. With school out of the way, and a routine in place with work, I am taking this opportunity to improve myself in every way- pushing myself in my creativity and to be the best me that I can be!

Oh and if you haven't noticed, creativity is another great passion of mine. I seek to be as creative as I can be and strive for creativity in everything that I do. I recognize that everyone has the ability to be creative, we just lack the confidence.

So take a journey with me towards creativity, self-improvement and self-sufficiency, maybe we can learn something from one another!
Twitter: @haramshaw

Nicholas and I

mmm fresh!

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